Steve Roessler
Steve Roessler, the “LiveWithDrive” guy and his team brings a new modern approach to engage your customers at your dealership. Working with over 100 dealers, Steve’s passion is helping dealers change their communication strategies at dealerships to improve the customer’s overall experience. His infectious personality provides a motivational approach for dealers to bring a change in their culture on how every customer should be treated. People sell People. Steve is also very passionate representing DriveCentric into Automotive World. Per Steve; “I really enjoy presenting on topics such as 70% Engagement Strategies”, “Personalized Video to Humanize the Customer Experience”, “Giphs – Less is More Strategy”. My goal is to help dealerships focus on customer experience through more Texting and Personalized Video. If we can start talking to the customer on a personal level vs sending templates, the results will increase and the brand of the dealership starts to change in your market.