With WebBuy’s fully integrated car-buying app, customers can click-to-buy or click-to-lease a new or used vehicle from you – all online. They can choose their vehicle, get a trade-in offer, cash/finance/lease, add a co-buyer, choose rebates, and complete the deal.
Another key differentiator is that this Digital Retailing app is Built by Dealers for Dealers!
Also we advertise a 25%+ closing ratio:Â Where else do you get this??
Our BuyNow button eliminates confusing navigation and quickly gets users one step closer to purchasing their next vehicle.
WebBuy meets customer demand for a simple, haggle-free, click-to-buy experience. Close deals, gain leads, and draw attention to your inventory every hour of every day.
Overall Performance
DealershipNews.com Score: 9.6 /10
Your Customers Will Love These Features
They’ll be happy with the WebBuy experience, and you’ll be delighted at the increase in sales and leads that this dealer-centric app produces. Car buyers rave about all the things that they can do on WebBuy!
- Buy online 24/7 with a superior mobile experience
- Navigate their deal at their own pace
- Get a real-time, instant trade-in offer
- Easily add a wide variety of accessories to their vehicle
- Choose cash, finance, or lease options
- Real-time loan approvals from competing banks and captive lenders
- Apply all applicable rebates and incentives
- “Amazon-like” check-out
Complete the buying process ALL ONLINE, at their pace…then simply print paperwork and visit the dealership.