Interviews NADA Who's Happening in Automotive

Who’s Happening: Steve Zabawa and Tom Murray with WebBuy

Part 1

Kelly Kleinman meets up with Steve Zabawa and Tom Murray of WebBuy at the 2020 NADA Show. Steve and Tom explain how WebBuy, helps dealerships maximize profits by allowing you to digitally retail in one cohesive platform.

Part 2

Kelly Kleinman meets up with Steve Zabawa and Tom Murray of WebBuy at the 2020 NADA Show. Steve and Tom explain how WebBuy, helps dealerships maximize profits by allowing you to digitally retail and compete with Carvana.

Part 3

Kelly Kleinman meets up with Steve Zabawa and Tom Murray of WebBuy at the 2020 NADA Show. Steve and Tom discuss WebBuy’s new launch or WebBuy 2.0. In this iteration, they have focused on the UX/UI to make this powerhouse, digital retail platform even better!

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