Business Trends Launching 23 “Cash for Used Cars” Sites

On the heels of a cadre of hugely successful classified site launches, reports that Dealer Leads is deploying low-cost, high-yield websites geared towards bringing car dealers inexpensive, high-value leads. 23 new “cash for your car” websites will be going live over the next 90 days, guaranteeing car owners quick cash payouts, and dealers – new, and more profitable customers.

Car dealers love when a private party drives into a dealership, they know there are possibly two profitable transactions about to take place. The “cash for your used cars” sites are all about generating a steady flow of privately owned (for sale) vehicles that sell at an average of $800-$1200 below MMR (industry average) to dealers. It’s all based on IP location so the closest dealer in the system to the seller shows up in the search results – on all 23 sites.

Soon to be live – with another 18 coming online in the next 90 days are the following domains:

The concept is simple; seller finds one or more of the “pay cash for car” sites and goes to the site. They click a “sell us your car button”, fill out a vehicle info form and submit. The info goes directly to the nearest dealer based on IP location, and is only sent to that one dealer, ensuring no competition on the lead or the greedy practice of lead sharing. The key is to be that nearest dealer. It’s a simple pay per click proposition.

The benefits to dealers that jump on board are quite substantial and include the following:

1) Higher Margins: Depending on the negotiating skills of the dealership, most private party vehicles sold to dealerships are well below MMR. The Manheim Market Report (MMR) is the top indicator of wholesale prices based on over 10 million such transactions over a 13 month period. This means that margins are much higher than those you find at an auction.

2) Reduces dependence on auto auctions. Auctions are full of competitive dealers that all know the true value of the cars showing. The air is fouled with exhaust and frankly, it’s not the best way to get new car inventory at a great price. The seller is most likely a buyer as well, hence a great opportunity presents itself to the dealership when working with private party sellers who may also need a new vehicle.

3) Huge convenience for the seller and the buyer alike, cash in hand is very difficult to say “no” to, and with the likely buying price well below wholesale, it’s an easy transaction for any quality dealer.

For more information about how dealers can get involved with this new program, please contact Victoria Levine at 818-817-6347 or email her at

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