London Motor Company Completes Second Bitcoin Sale in Two Months!
One of the most digitally progressive dealerships in the country, LMC, already offers consumers the ability to buy vehicles online through online retailing and lead...
EVs Aren’t Quite as Green as Advertised
Published in the journal Ingeniøren (you’ll need a translation to English), a Swedish meta-study, which analyzes and summarizes studies completed in the EV field, found...
Uber Lost 1.46 Billion Last Quarter, Lyft Triples Rev!
Uber Not so Super, Losing 1.46 Billion Last Quarter, Lyft Triples Rev! Flush with scandal and challenging governance issues, Uber Technologies Inc. is burning money...
“UsedCarsForSale.Com” is Every Car Dealerships BFF
The domain usedcarsforsale.com, just recently sold for $340,000.00. It was the largest purchase of a domain name in the automotive industry since carsales.com in 2008...
Attorneys Preying on Predatory Attorneys: Welcome to the Jungle!
Uncle Milton’s Used Cars sold you a used car 3 years ago. Things worked out pretty well for a while but maybe the tranny started...
Toyota Taking Lead in Autonomous Car Tech, Investing 2.8 Billion
TOKYO — Toyota Motor Corp. and its top two suppliers said they will pump $2.8 billion into a new company to create the software that...
Vehicles With the Best Gas Mileage for 2018 Including EVs (Electric Vehicles)
EV manufacturers are still working on building out the infrastructure to make charging easier and less time consuming nationwide. The good news is that in...
Digging the Digital Dealer Expo and Convention
Back in the day there was the mail sale, the print ad, the “My Dog Spot” late night TV ad, the holiday sale, and of...